Your Truth, Your Choice, Your Power

3 min readNov 18, 2020

As we enter the revealing times that come with the awakening to the lies of the matrix that has become, we realize that we have one choice: the choice of sovereignty.

What does it look like for you? Answer and create.

The Choice to Choose Yourself

The choice of sovereignty. Doesn’t that feel good? It should, because it’s your fundamental right. The U.S. Constitution cemented it as human law (if you’re an American), but the politicking, the energies, the agenda have revealingly hijacked it and are turning the system towards their own good. But that has an ultimate good, if you’re willing to change.

Too many of us have gotten used to this system, which is apparently, for many of our eyes, revealing its own true nature. The agenda to use ‘ capitalistic development’ and ‘democracy’ has become a hijack by sinister energies to drive their own power and control. Maybe, and I believe, this is a part of the grand nature’s, the Universe’s, design—to use itself in the ‘dark’ as a agenda and transition to help awaken humanity towards nature and more harmonious living—by forcing humanity to choose: between being consumed in the fire of self-destruction that is the matrix and stay alive, thrive, and re-connect by choosing the natural way.

You have a choice between life and death, the matrix or surviving and thriving—in nature.

Nobody will tell you what to do, except your inner master. Of course, you can do much—by keeping your temple clean and tending to your own needs. If eventually, you can hear the inner master clearly, and that it is helping you to choose sovereignty, life, truth, and freedom in your own way, then you can act clearly. If not, you may have your fate handed to you… But keep faith, as the day of dawning is not here yet. It is coming, and you can awaken only to help yourself.

The reality is that this matrix is failing because the times have changed—it feels like nature is taking her power back and dictating to humanity that it itself is the largest force—not the egotistical mind of ‘man’.

The matrix has slowly been turned into a means to control, not to free. It has turned into a means to power over others, not awaken others to their own.

Ultimately it has been infiltrated and is now being led by parasitic forces that are not of the highest natural, Divine order, are certainly, inherently divisive, and ultimately, disempowering to a collective consciousness seeking new heights.

Photo by Hello I’m Nik 🎞 on Unsplash

What are you going to do?

As the Age of the Aquarius dawns before us—the Age being one in which human consciousness is the foremost matter, we have the ability to be one with the tide or be consumed.

Are we going to be the rainbow light warriors of the prophecies, living to see, create, and be a part of the Earth born anew, or will we be the many that have been chosen otherwise—to have our fate handed to us because we feared our own power. If we know the destiny of the worst possible outcome, do we have to choose it? Only if we are attached. Attached to the things that do not serve our highest good and unaware and unwilling to let go of them.

We can understand that the choice to choose ‘us’ is one that is premised on the full claiming of ourselves in each moment. This is the highest service to ourselves.

No woman, no man, or no outside authority—only the truth inside of you can provide you a life that you deserve, as it is the Creator, the Universal One, the Ultimate that has co-created with you, the soul or essence that you are.

You are here to awaken to this essence, the truth of the Divine. You are here to serve your truth. You are here to be a part of elevating your consciousness. And through that, you will serve the potential for the highest possible consciousness on this plane that is our wonderful planet.

You have the power.

You are the power.

Be the power.




Ānanda writes about truth. Follow him for more on your gateway.